Interviews and Podcasts:
Conversations Live: February 2020
Seeds of Exchange: Creating What Comes Next... With Hope & Love, Together
Global Sisterhood Network: Sister Stories
Conversations Live: April 2016
The Spark and the Art Creativity podcast: Have Faith in Your Talent
(TedX Talk: One Year To Changing The Trajectory of Your Life)
Written Press:
"If you are looking for someone who is able to marry quality lyrics with soothing music, then Julie Geller is someone you should know."
Conversations Magazine:
Singer/Songwriter Julie Geller:
Using Music to Connect the World
"The magic of Geller’s work is that her music forms a cohesive unit of human experience, although tapping toes outnumber wet eyes."
Intermountain Jewish News
Julie Geller's Journey
"Julie's melodies are catchy and her lyrics, whether Jewish or secular, are inspiring."
Interview with Julie Geller:
Mom, Singer. and Songwriter
"Julie Geller has a knack for writing tunes you keep humming, as well as thought-provoking lyrics that simultaneously appeal to kids and adults."
6 New Spins on Hanukkah Songs
The Federalist
"There were times when I stopped performing altogether because the emotional toll was too great. Over the last decade or so I’ve cracked the code on how to have creativity be a joyful and easy part of my life."
Voyage Denver
Meet Julie Geller
"It was like being invited to a seat at Geller's Shabbat table, complete with music, stories and gentle explanations. I never felt patronized; instead, I felt like I was watching someone dance with my children around the Shabbat table and the effect was magical."
Step Into Shabbat
"A deep soul, an open, joyful heart and an angelic voice. Julie’s music and teachings are original and inspiring and full of integrity and truth.”
-- Rabbi Marc Soloway, Congregation Bonai Shalom, Boulder, CO
“Our multi-generational audience was smitten with Julie's warm personality, spiritual stories, sweet voice, lyrical guitar technique, and poised teaching style.”
--Tamara R. Freeman, Music Chair, Temple Israel, Ridgewood, NJ
"I have booked a number of concerts. Julie's soulful and spirited music and lyrics touch us in deep and meaningful ways. I am always lifted up and feel more deeply connected when I see her perform.."
-- Melanie Gruenwald, Executive Director, Kabbalah Experience
"You have the soul of a Hasidic Rebbe. Very inspirational."
-- Calvin A., New York
“You've become a vital part of my healing and a profound life coach. Blessings! You have so many times touched my heart, inviting me inwards and onwards! You are so gifted at the Middle Ground.”
--Robert W., Oregon
"I sat there last night crying during some of your songs and laughing at others."
- Roz D., Colorado
"I don’t always see the magic. Tonight, during your concert, I did.”
--Ronit W., Colorado
“I can't wait for your concert. I really need it right now as I am struggling with life.”
--Bianca M., Colorado
“You have the ability to create a magical atmosphere around you.”
--Noam L., Colorado
“I'm SO impressed by your openness and gutsy attitude.”
--Linda H., Massachusetts
"I particularly enjoyed the light in your eyes and smile when you sing."
-Ariela O., Israel
"I have been so ministered to by your music."
- Debra G., Colorado
"It was eerie having someone express many feelings/hopes/thoughts I have running through my own head. And doing so with such strong lyrics and expression."
-Jan M., Israel
Listening to your music and experiencing you live in concert gives me the feeling of being reminded on a core level about what’s possible as a human, and the Prophet/Rebbe experience that comes from a less expected source.
- Tania G., Australia
"Your songs are spiritual, uplifting, heartfelt, fun, with important messages, healing and your voice is so beautiful and calming. A song you wrote over 20 years ago got me through a really hard time."
- Chavi P., Israel
Thank you for the music you give to the world. Like Miriam and her wandering well, your words, your music, your loving kindness sustains my faith, renews my hope for our people and strengthens my commitment in the task of tikkun olam. My favorite song is The Spark. I play it whenever my soul needs a little pick me up.
--Izzak N., YouTube
“I will continue to follow all that you do and the most authentic way in which you do it. You were a bright light on that stage this week.”
--Kathy H., Colorado
"Your music is a praise offering."
- Autumn A., YouTube