Let's Open Your Heart...

You have the power to enchant, inspire and educate your community. To lead them toward a deeper understanding of themselves, their faith and their family. An opportunity to nourish their neshama.  

What’s your plan?  

Julie Geller

Let's Open Your Heart...

Julie Geller

You have the power to enchant, inspire and educate your community. To lead them toward a deeper understanding of themselves, their faith and their family. An opportunity to nourish their neshama.  

What’s your plan?  

The Return: A Concert for Your Community

I love to tap into the joy, wisdom and wonder that people often don’t know they have. Together, I help remind my audience who we are and why we’re here. I uncover what’s meaningful--all through music.  

Pink heart

The Return: A Concert for Your Community

I love to tap into the joy, wisdom and wonder that people often don’t know they have. Together, I help remind my audience who we are and why we’re here. I uncover what’s meaningful--all through music.  

Rabbi Marc Soloway

"...a deep soul, an open, joyful heart and an angelic voice. Julie’s music and teachings are original and inspiring and full of integrity and truth.”  

-- Rabbi Marc Soloway, Congregation Bonai Shalom, Boulder, CO  

Rabbi Marc Soloway

"...a deep soul, an open, joyful heart and an angelic voice. Julie’s music and teachings are original and inspiring and full of integrity and truth.”  

-- Rabbi Marc Soloway,
Congregation Bonai Shalom, Boulder, CO  

An Experience  

Providing your community with an unexpectedly joyful experience, I seek to go beyond a concert to inspire, engage, and awaken toward collective healing.  

A Tradition  

Often based on Hebrew prayers or accompanied by stories of my own relationship with Judaism, my music offers a fresh perspective on the ashkenazi sound.

A Resonance

With humor and love, my lyrics lighten the daily struggles and bring human experience out of the shadows and into the light

What I Offer

Julie Geller Jewish Musician and Artist Coach

EDUCATION: About yourself, this life and your soul’s work

Julie Geller Jewish Musician and Artist Coach

SPIRITUALITY: Inspiration for your own access to the Divine

Julie Geller Jewish Musician and Artist Coach

CONNECTION: A bridge between intellectual ideas and music

Julie Geller Jewish Musician and Artist Coach

COMMUNITY: A collective experience that draws people together

Pink heart

What I Offer

Julie Geller Jewish Musician and Artist Coach

About yourself, this life and your soul’s work

Julie Geller Jewish Musician and Artist Coach

Inspiration for your own access to the Divine

Julie Geller Jewish Musician and Artist Coach

A bridge between intellectual ideas and music

Julie Geller Jewish Musician and Artist Coach

A collective experience that draws people together

Pink heart
Tamara Freeman

“Our multi-generational audience was smitten with Julie's warm personality, spiritual stories, sweet voice, lyrical guitar technique, and poised teaching style.”  

--Tamara R. Freeman, Music Chair, Temple Israel, Ridgewood, NJ 

Tamara Freeman

“Our multi-generational audience was smitten with Julie's warm personality, spiritual stories, sweet voice, lyrical guitar technique, and poised teaching style.”  

--Tamara R. Freeman, Music Chair,
Temple Israel, Ridgewood, NJ